One of our staff members, Megan, was lucky enough to secure a ballot spot for the TCES London Marathon 2025 in April.
Megan is a keen runner but has always remained middle distance so despite all her years of training, the prospect of a marathon remains intimidating. So far training has been going well, and she has been enjoying a change in training style to adapt to a much longer distance. However, she is very aware the hardest part is still to come!
Despite getting a ballot place Megan has decided to fundraise for charity alongside. The charity she has chosen to donate to is the RNLI. This is a charity close to her family as was always supported by her Grandad who they lost a few years ago. Therefore, this run is dedicated to him and his charity of choice.
Any donations would be appreciated and for all others who are joining her on the starting line in April, Good Luck!
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